Monday, October 27, 2008

My Family

My family.... What would i do with out them?? I love my family!
my parents are great! but they get me mad at times:P... they care for us, I mean, aren't parents suppose to care? Duh! My brothers... My brothers annoy me at times.. (most of the time) They fight, they cry, they laugh:D my parents say that pretty soon they are going to kill each other from fighting all the time, and i agree with them:P cause they always fight! But my brothers are great, i love them.. i wouldnt want to be the only child, if my mother hadn't met my "father". My brothers are everything to me.. even they always get me mad! :D. My sister... my one and only sister... DAD MAKE MORE BABIES! I NEED MORE SISTERS!! :D naah i was kidding, 5 of us are enough.. lol.... back to my sister.... my sister.. uhm.. i love my one and only sister, I was mad when Travis and Carl came out to be a boy:P.. i really wanted sisters! couple years after.. my sister came out:D.. I really wanted to see her when she was born, but she was in Anchorage. Well theres more to say about them... :D i dont want to say them all.. it takes me forever to write them ll down.. :P... BYE!

1 comment:

Irniaq said...

Cool picture. Cool family! ; )

Cool blogger.